WASD or arrow keys to move
Space to pick up or drop items
Z to use the blender to mix drinks

Luna's Libations

A Bevy Game Jam #3 submission.

Can you keep the patrons of Luna's Libations quenched and happy? Or will you serve them the wrong drinks and watch them cry on the floor?

Take the fruit from the containers on the back of the bar, place them in the mixer, and mix them into tasty beverages with 'Z'. But watch out! The ingredients all have different side effects. Cherries might make your patrons happy, but too many and they'll make a mess on the floor!

The "game" overall is functional, but I wouldn't call it "finished". There is currently no victory state, just like in real life.

All pixel art was made with aseprite.

Sounds and music composed on a modular synth, patch notes:

  • Schlappi 3 body for the drinking sound
  • Mutable Instruments Plaits into Beads for the chatting
  • Mutable Instruments Rings, Plaits, Marbles, Ripples and Schlappi 3 body for the background music


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I like the drinking sfx. Now I want a smoothie